Do you know what the most powerful word a dad says is? Just one word: It’s “no” N-O
No, you can’t eat cake for dinner.
No, you can’t play with these kids whose family I have not met.
No, you can’t watch that movie or listen to that song.
No, you can’t have a nerf war until midnight and eat chick fil a for breakfast the next morning
*Unless mom is out of town. Then yes, you can.
In this case, the word NO is a matter of love. Every child needs to hear the word “No” from their father. And It is our calling as protectors and guides to use it wisely.
But the word NO is not just for our children, it’s for the World. It’s for our enemies:
No, you can’t teach my kids that.
No, you cannot and will not lie to my family.
No, you don’t know what’s best for my children, God does and I do.
No, I will not allow you to harm my family in any way.
In those cases, the word NO is our wall that we build around our family and our community. Our “No” is the left hand that builds the protective barrier and the right hand that wields the sword when our enemies threaten our families and community (Nehemiah 4).
And here we are, in an age of what they call deconstruction. They wish to destroy, to defund, to tear down. It’s no mistake that Jesus teaches the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy. But great men, men of God are not known for what they destroy, but what they build.